February 21, 2012

best valentines to date

This feb. 14th was a lovely one.
The evening started off right with a girls night.
Food, decorations, and exchanging funny boy stories...

...gosh I love these girls!

Then the night ended right when I got to spend the last minutes of valentine's day with my valentine!
I greeted him at the airport with an over-sized homemade valentine and he had a sweet little gift in hand as well.
(unfortunately my camera decided to stop working at this point :[)

I have always loved this holiday.
This year it couldn't have been spent any better


  1. you got to see danny on valentine's day?!!?!?!?!! ahhhhhh i die!!! kristyn we NEED to meet up soon! i want the deets on your life! ps. in one of my classes today we talked about gardner's multiple intelligences and i thought of you the whole time. i sure miss having class with you.

  2. I love that you made a homemade Valentine. Kind of makes me all sunshiney inside.

  3. WHAT LITTLE VALENTINE DID HE HAVE IN HIS HAND KIRSTYN!?!?!?!?!?!? It can't be what I'm thinking or I Would have heard...RIGHT?!?!?!?!
    Just checkin
    love ya.
    just in case you forgot.
    wait, adorable means little and cute.
    you.are.beautiful and sweet.
    BUT you USED to be adorable. :)
